Spirit Releasement Therapy
Each day worldwide thousands of people leave their physical bodies and move on in soul or spirit form. We call this death and for most, it is a release from the limitations of the physical body.
Souls who do not transition at the time of death and instead attach to another living being, are called spirit attachments (SAs). Souls who inhabit a home or building or an outdoor area without becoming attached to another are termed discarnate beings.
Those souls who do not transition lack awareness. After they lose their physical bodies, they may be lost, lonely, and confused and perhaps still be occupying the house or area where they died. Perhaps they were close to a loved one and remain around or actually attached to that person. It may be that they died suddenly or that they took their own lives and have no awareness that they have lost their bodies.
The reasons for attachment are varied. Many have become aware of their passing and for example may attach to a drinker or a drug addict because they are feeding an addiction, or it may be that they are seeking revenge where they create adverse symptoms for the unsuspecting recipient. Still others will attach to someone with unhealed trauma, or to a kind, open and unprotected personality where they find refuge.
Spirit attachment is not uncommon and yet carrying this additional energy can cause many adverse symptoms such as lack of energy, memory disturbance, behavioural change, mood change, addictive behaviour, relationship problems, and hearing disturbing voices to mention but a few frequent scenarios.
The rule is one soul is home to one body. No one needs the complications of accommodating another entity rent-free. SRT takes a practical approach to the removal of this energy that is erroneously dwelling uninvited in another’s body. SRT is not to be confused with other methods, especially practiced in the past, of church-based exorcists and the deliverance of unwanted intruders by a minister making demands.
SRT offers a method whereby the spirit is treated with respect and compassion. If the releasement is in-person, the practitioner engages in dialogue to understand how the death occurred and can ascertain how the SA has been affecting the client before ultimately coaxing the SA back to the light or spirit world which is its rightful home.
Spiritual Releasement Therapy Sessions offered:
Spirit Releasement Therapy identifies the presence of SAs and/or additional negative energy such as accumulated thought forms and releases them to the light.
In-person SRT is a very effective approach because it facilitates an interactive and intuitive dialogue with the practitioner, the client, and the SA. Under hypnosis, most SAs are cooperative and become engaged with the facilitator who is trained to innerstand and assist them from their earth-bound state to a place of peace with loved ones who have already passed over. The client is fully involved in the process and participates in the releasement of the SA thus benefiting from witnessing the departure.
Often the healer or practitioner has had personal experience with the removal of their own SA/s. They innerstand what the client is going through and thus have first-hand rapport in reassuring them of a positive, expansive, and freeing experience. With every SA released the client will be relieved and feel lighter, having contributed to their growth. Both client and SA benefit.
Sessions: In-person. 1.5 – 2hrs. $250.
Spirit releasement and property releasement, or as it can also be termed spiritual cleansing, can be completed remotely. This means that the client does not participate, nor is the client required to be present. During a remote releasement, intuition, remote sensing, and viewing allow for SAs to be returned to their rightful resting place.
Many people know intuitively when entering a property if the energy is unbalanced. It may be that there is difficulty in selling a property or perhaps a family home or business situation feels heavy, stale, or unsafe. Or, as recently described by a client a discarnate being was sensed in her new home. There was a dank heavy feeling in certain rooms and, at times breathing and other sounds could be heard. It may be that harsh words were spoken and remain densely lingering, or accumulated negative energy from prior residents or past souls may be affecting the environment. There may even be problems with the land and/or the traditional custodians of the land, especially if the property is new.
During a remote releasement process, an intuitive perceives beyond the normal senses to see via the mind’s eye what energy the client is carrying, and what effect it is having physically, emotionally, mentally, and/or spiritually on the client or person/s and property being cleansed.
Any spirit residents that do not belong with that person or at the property will be released. Not all discarnates are human in origin and are said to be dark or even demonic in nature. Extra precautions are taken by the practitioner and may require the use of additional or cosmic energy for the release.
The releasement will restore the body and environment to a clear, healthy, and vibrant state.
Session: Remote, 1.5hrs — $200
Some clients prefer to have their properties spiritually cleansed in person by a qualified practitioner. This safe and effective service is a two-part process designed to thoroughly spiritually cleanse small or large homes and investment properties as well as smaller businesses to restore balance, productivity, and saleability.
Regardless of whether you are having your home or business location cleared, you will want the energy to be vibrating on a pure and neutral level. You will want conversations and relationships to flow, operations and interactions to be clear and unencumbered, and to be sure that everything is working at an optimal level.
There are many factors to consider when cleansing a property. Imprints may be left by employees or previous owners - past and present. Harsh words may have been spoken, or unpleasant actions were taken, as well as the history of the property and surrounding land will all come together to tell the story of why the energy feels the way it does.
SRT and Reiki are the primary tools used for cleansing. Selected herbs and minerals are burned to stimulate and awaken earth-bound spirits and to lift negative, stale energy, as well as thought forms and entities from their resting places. Each room is cleansed independently. Energy is lifted and mudra light nets are set in each room and left to settle overnight. In the shorter return visit, the energy is lifted from the mudras and given passage back to the light via a portal opening specifically created for this purpose.
The property is left clear with an unimpeded flow of energy.
A confidential email with the findings of the SRT will be provided.
Session: 2 part in-person 1.5 – 2.5hrs, commencing at $350.
Work with Ria
We are complex, often sensitive creatures, and sometimes we hurt. At these times we become ready to seek help to find solutions. We require a safe place and a safe person who can offer empathy and sound direction, where we can share and disentangle from the stresses of life.