“The purpose of meditation is to get beyond your analytical mind.”
- Rupert Spira
For those that have the calling, personalised meditation tuition is offered with the goal of becoming comfortable with the experience of silence. As Bruce Springsteen so eloquently put it, we become proficient with “Dancing in the Dark”, for in the silence there is much to discover.
You will come to understand the mind for the impostor it is. Our minds can feel like a dangerous place and in the silence, seemingly threatening and taunting us with memories of failure, conflict, and personal shortcomings. When you understand that silence is not only your friend but your true nature, you will seek it more and more. You may well be shocked to learn we are running away from the very thing we are looking for!
When we stop resisting and begin allowing silence to slow our thoughts down, thinking becomes spacious and there is a sense of ease. We become the observers of the thinking mind and in this way, it ceases to control us. We observe thoughts as they rise and fall, lift, and dissolve, to reveal a stable, central place that is reliable and constant, an inner solitude. This reliable place is who we are, and it is from this oasis that we begin to reside and from where we ask questions and find the answers we have craved.
Ria will teach you how to embrace, give a nod to the ego, and allow it to take its rightful place - secondary to peace. The ego mind is now employed and not the employer!
Sessions are ideal for beginners and for those who wish to re-establish their practice.
Half-hour sessions - $80
Work with Ria
We are complex, often sensitive creatures, and sometimes we hurt. At these times we become ready to seek help to find solutions. We require a safe place and a safe person who can offer empathy and sound direction, where we can share and disentangle from the stresses of life.