About Me
“Ria brings a wealth of experience and a depth of understanding to the human journey, born out of her own immersion and personal transformation.”
Growing up in country New South Wales Australia, I spent endless hot summer days swimming in fresh, clear river water. I felt instinctively that I was a lot more than the body I was given. Intrigued by the vast blue dome above I wondered why no one was talking about its magnificence and beauty! I marvelled about what it was that enlivened my body and asked lots of questions that were never answered to my satisfaction.
My curiosity and inquiring mind led me to become a seeker of truth, and at age 26 after experiencing an expansion in my consciousness I became aware of a new and more informed reality.
In this new view, there was an order I hadn’t noticed before combined with a deeper and richer understanding of the world around me. I explored modern-day spiritual teachers such as Osho, Adyashanti, Shunyamurti, and Rupert Spira. It was at this time that I became a self-taught meditator and later trained to become a Meditation Teacher at the Melbourne Meditation Centre.
I studied at the Dalian School in Salt Spring Island, Canada to become the first Dalian Method Facilitator in Australia.
The journey deepened when a friend and naturopath suggested becoming a Reiki Practitioner. This was back in 1993 when I attained Reiki Level I - III. I was a natural and I loved providing healing sessions for others and being part of my local community. Reiki is an ancient practice that remains a highly sought-after modality for its subtle, non-invasive, nurturing, yet powerful qualities.
I continued with glimpses into an altered reality and several years later completed a Diploma at the Holistic Living Training Institute in Melbourne to become a Spiritual Mentor and Counsellor. This organic progression continued my exploration revealing more of the unknown while simultaneously healing my own wounded ego.
My curiosity in the esoteric only deepened, especially interesting was the concept of reincarnation and how it shaped my own life. I became a Regression Therapist at the Past Life Regression Academy, UK in 2019. This was a lifechanging course where I encountered profound spiritual experiences and transformations and where several of my questions were answered. Among the many teachings, I understood that any lesson left incomplete was carried from lifetime to lifetime until it was resolved. This invaluable insight along with the powerful processes of Entity Releasement and Life Between Life Therapy continued to enrich my knowledge. Clients could now choose from a number of modalities for exploration in separate sessions. Each person could choose the modality that best resonated to meet them where they were at on their own unique journey.
With all that I had acquired and could now provide for my clients, I was not satisfied and intuitively knew that the picture was still incomplete. There had to be a way to resolve unfinished business, while utilising the work that had gone before to move more concisely and exponentially toward awakening and peace.
I began my search for such a therapy and assessed many healing methods in my before I found Dalian Method © (DM). I felt drawn, so much so that I travelled to Canada to experience DM for myself. I was ready for a deeper dive into the narrative called “my life” and began to live the experiences that DM revealed. I studied at the Dalian School in Canada to become the first Dalian Method Facilitator in Australia.
Many, many personal sessions, and clients later I am qualified to say that DM is a quantum and highly sophisticated system that uses verbal expression and body movement to permanently release repressed thoughts and emotions held unconsciously in the body. Always working to the highest intention and directed by the client’s inner Self, awareness is brought to those contracted places where unconscious thoughts and patterning hide to show us directly how these layers play out in our lives. Clients gain awarenesses associated with their own participation to unravel years and sometimes lifetimes of tightly held and stuck complexes and patterns. Dalian Method simply put releases the unconscious layers of thoughts and feelings that veil our Being.
Clients are encouraged to trust in themselves, their innate ability to heal, and to truly understand it is their birthright to be happy and at peace. The precious commodity of wisdom replaces uncertainty and clients find themselves standing on solid ground, empowered to create a life that serves both themselves and those around them.
Ria offers private and online sessions to help people heal, disidentify from their ego-mind, and take risks to live life fully and fearlessly.
Dalian Method Facilitator – Mada Eliza Dalian, Canada
Spiritual Counsellor DipH - The Holistic Living Training Institute (HLTI), Clayton, Vic
Regression Therapist DipRT - Past Life Regression, Academy, UK
LBL, (Lives Between Lives) Certificate - PLR Academy, U
Certificate in Hypnotherapy - Inner Fulfilment, International Institute for Complementary Therapists, Queensland
Meditation Teacher - Meditation Teacher Training, Melbourne
Reiki, I II & Master - Usui Method – “Hands of Light”, Plenty
Work with Ria
We are complex, often sensitive creatures, and sometimes we hurt. At these times we become ready to seek help to find solutions. We require a safe place and a safe person who can offer empathy and sound direction, where we can share and disentangle from the stresses of life.