Dalian Method
The Dalian Method © (DM) is a new and revolutionary paradigm shift that has transported healing to the next level.
DM was created by mystic, Mada Eliza Dalian, and designed to meet the needs and challenges of a fast-moving new humanity.
Like no other time in history, the Dalian Method goes well beyond other modalities to increase understanding of health and healing.
By following the simple guidance of this unique approach, unconscious negative thoughts and beliefs repressed in the body, are transformed into consciousness to achieve profound healing.
“It is painful to live in the illusion (ego-mind) because no matter how hard we try, there is nothing in it that we can hold onto.”
Benefits of Working with the Dalian Method
The outcome is permanent and profound, creating an instantaneous shift in consciousness. Unlike other modalities, there is no analysis because the intellect is bypassed. With the mind (ego) out of the way, you will be guided to connect directly with the original cause of the problem. Through a mathematically designed sequence of verbal expression, body movement, and exhalation of breath, previously inaccessible and hardwired thoughts and emotions emerge naturally for release and transformation. An internal shift is experienced, and important life lessons are illuminated exposing the truth about unconscious blocks and patterns.
Why work with me and the Dalian Method
Having trained in several modalities I found to be truly valuable, I also I intuitively knew there was something missing. I now know that Dalian Method was that piece. I travelled to Canada for a private session with Mada and later became a DM facilitator so that I could offer others the same growth that I experienced.
Whether you choose to be facilitated by me, or use the self-healing DM for yourself, the outcome will be profound and life changing. You will experience and instantaneous shift in how you feel in your body and consciousness.
DM progressively unravels the ego, establishes self-trust while grounding and inspiring you on your journey of self-exploration. The blockages created by the layers of repressed beliefs clear more and more and there is less and less identification with the hurtful and negative emotions of the separate egoic self. New awareness continues to come to the forefront, and you start to feel clearer, lighter, and happier. Ultimately the Dalian Method will help you to wake up from the illusion of density and struggle created by your ego-mind, freeing you to discover your true nature and to live directly from a place of knowing.
Offered: Online or In-person
74min / 98min — $410/ $450
Work with Ria
We are complex, often sensitive creatures, and sometimes we hurt. At these times we become ready to seek help to find solutions. We require a safe place and a safe person who can offer empathy and sound direction, where we can share and disentangle from the stresses of life.